Hey Summer 2024 is here!
This summer Tonton's are travelling at least at:
15.6 Tonton Hahmot, Hiedanrannan katutaidepuiston avajaiset, Tampere, FIN
27.6 Pitching Tonton Concept, Taikerin Luola, Pori, FIN
9.7 Tonton Hahmot, Popkatu, Joensuu, FIN
Still dates available for this summer! Ask for more information.

Check for previous travels
of our beloved Tonton character
Tonton Concept
Tonton is an orange costumed character impossible to be identified.
Tonton is playful and curious.
Character that mutates, duplicates, evolves in unexpected directions.
It surprises its surroundings and even itself.
Tonton is anonyme and androgyne character. Filter for life. Shell of a human or just an idea of a human being.
The costume creates an anonymising yet highly visible filter between the outside world and person inside.
Tontons have been seen in ESSE- festival in Seurasaari, Finland 2021 & 2022. Developped in Goethe Institute Residency and seen in Circus Dance Festival in Cologne, Germany May 2023, stage of Chamäleon June 2023 and in PerformingHEL in August 2023. It is developping in all directions. Set outdoor performance, open workshop style performance, videoinstallations, VR and AR- worlds.
Tonton is playful and curious and so are the routes it takes.
